Thursday, January 28, 2010

The First Post

Alright here goes, my first post:

As I mention at the top of the page, I do not expect anyone to read this blog. I am just using this as a way to express my opinions on various items, many of which will probably seem trivial to most people. I am not sure how long I will keep up with this, I am just going to see where it takes me.

That being said, I have a few comments about the process of setting up this blog:

1. This system is pretty cool and easy to use, I am quite impressed by it.

2. There is an option to edit the HTML code of the blog. As recently as yesterday, I would have had no idea what that meant. But I am currently enrolled in a course at school called Internet and Society, and today we actually spent the class learning some basic HTML code. However, I am not ever going to edit the HTML code of this blog (to see my experiment website that I did create, click here).

3. There are also options to change the background color and text color. I will always be faithful to black text on white backgrounds for websites. This is the easiest to read. I hate light text on a dark background, and I do not understand why anyone would ever use white text on a black background. I think that anyone who does this should be banned from the Internet forever. At the very least, if I ever meet someone who has committed this offense, I will ask them to leave the Internet forever.

So that is my first post. If anyone ever reads this, and has suggestions for improvements, or would like me to stop wasting Internet space, please let me know.

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